Counter strike has been a nice game indeed....but to make it fun,u must play with humans(like kenneth)....eventhough kenneth is on my team(CT/Terrorist),y must he kill me??the 1st time i saw him on counter strike,dia tembak me.......-_-"......
Then sometimes he will change groups and then shoot me.....sometimes when he's on my team,he change his name to Andrew,hulk,terminator,traitor so i wont know who is he and then he go tembak me AGAIN!!(my name also 'pengkhianat'....haha....)
This videos is for people who play counter strike like kenneth and allan.....must watch:D....pls watch until the end..
Real Life Counter Strike!!! - The most amazing videos are a click away
Wat will happen if u play too much counter strike......pls watch also:)
Counter Strike Game - Amazing videos are here
Here are some oth videos of counter strike:)pls watch them all:D