7.30 am
The toughest thing to do after you sleep is??..........wake up.....You know who they(some AFC people) wake you up???they will on the lights SUPER BRIGHT.......then they will also shout WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!and others will step on people's back......after waking up must bathe right???ONLY 2 TOILETS!!!!!!!!!HOW TO BATHE??????more than 20 people man......for some of the guys who cant wake up got up INSTANTLY........because of Daniel's hand phone music......ESPECIALLY SUGIN........after Daniel left him alone,Sugin went back to sleep......because still many many many people queuing up to bathe.......
8.10 am
When most of them had bathed,all the guys dumped their stuff in the office.....WHAT A MESS!!!!Then we went to eat breakfast...(sandwiches)....but Kenneth,Alan and I went out to eat.....HEHE
This is after we have eaten.....actually got lots more....
Then church service started....just like normal except the AFC sang all of the songs in English.....most of the people couldn't understand......Then the AFC did a few dramas.....They did 'We Were The Reason'.....
..... and 1 more crazy act made by 1 AFC member....
Church service ended......then we ate a bit.......after that we went around doing nothing.....
Then when Sunday school started,AFC taught the 'This Little Light Of Mine'.......so boring......learned it at least 5 times already......
AFC was teaching the little kids.....while they were learning,we(The youth) were learning how to break dance.....6 step version......I learned the frog stand and turtle stand.....TURTLE STAND SUPER PAIN MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
12.30 pm
LUNCH TIME!!!!!!!!!!But super full man......ate so much before........but i took 2ND round.....
1.10 pm
Time to practice dance AGAIN!!!!!!The 'I Am Amazed was quite easy......but 'Joyful Joyful'....AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!still so hard...
2.45 pm
We continued our practice......After that we had fellowship time.....I learned more about GOD......
The question was''What would you do to get closer to GOD???
PRACTICE AND PRACTICE AND PRACTICE AND PRACTICE ...........................non-stop man.......
4.30 pm
Tea break.......FINALLY.......The AFC also practiced their dance......Their dance was called 'HALLELUJAH'.......SO COMPLICATED DANCE!!!!!!
6 pm
Our time to bathe and rest.....but we practiced our mime act until it was perfect.....JJ also practiced his solo act.....it was very touching........
7.30 pm
Then we had to go to the youth room and put on MAKE UP!!!!!!!!!YIPPEEEE.......WHAT AM I SAYING?????...........NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!Looked like some kind of weird girl......cant believe that Zech didn't mind........must be because he is so used to it.....
(AFC member )
8.10 pm
Time to do our act.....YIPPEEE!!!!!!but quite nervous....The AFC did their act while we did ours......JJ's act was very nice......solo.......
Then to my surprise,they asked the little kids to dance.......then they all persuaded me to join also.....DIDN'T EVEN TRAIN AT ALL!!!!!!but I still remembered how to dance.....
9.45 pm
Then I was so glad I can wash off my make up already,..........then we went around talking....but some of the youth were practicing break dancing AGAIN!!!!(except me)....What is so interesting about that????
10.25 pm
Then after we had nothing to do......we talked and talked and talked.....
12 am (Monday)
I WAS STILL WAITING TO BATHE!!!!!!!!!......Janene,Diling,Peilyn and Suting was playing a stupid game called 'Truth or Dare'.....Then some of the AFC was singing some songs.......while Sugin was playing 'Call Of Duty 4'.......interesting game........
1.30 am
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!My turn came.........to bathe.........but there were still a few people who haven't bathe........
Then I finally felt tired......then I slept.....But..................the only guys who slept was Sugin,Zech and I......WHERE IS THE RESTS?????????went out to eat at MACDONALDS!!!!!!WITHOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!.....but I was asleep at that moment......zzzzzzz
1 comment:
i cant believe u rememebr all the details right down to the time! ahhhh! crazy!
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